At Royal Minidoodles, our ultimate goal is to provide our forever families with the best puppies possible. This means, starting at three days of age, we introduce them to countless sounds, volumes, textures, animals, stimulations, experiences and fun! A well socialized English Cream minidoodle puppy is not only healthier and happier; it makes for the perfect pet!
ENS Training
According to the research included below and the results from years of studies by the U.S. Military Canine Program, we know that the period of time between day 3 and 16 is the most crucial window for the rapid development and growth of the neurological system in puppies. For these first few days, these very young puppies’ eyes are closed and they are only able to suck, smell, and crawl. To encourage our puppies neurological growth and development, we follow a program created by the military called “Bio-Sensor” or later termed “Super Puppy” training which according to studies will give dogs a superior advantage in life.
Documented Benefits of Early Neurological Stimulation:
- Improved cardio vascular performance
- Stronger heart beats
- Stronger adrenal glands
- More tolerance to stress
- Greater resistance to disease
Tests proved these “Super Puppies” were found to be more active and more exploratory than non-stimulated puppies. It was also noted that the non-stimulated pups became extremely aroused, whined, and made many errors. The puppies that received ENS were less upset by test conditions. They found the ENS puppies were calmer, made fewer errors and gave only an occasional distress sound when stressed.
From day 3 – 16 our staff, along with middle school and high school interns, perform this neurological stimulation for all of our Majestic Manor puppies. We follow the Bio Sensor Workout. These exercises will produce neurological stimulations, none of which naturally occur during this early period of life.
Puppy Socialization
From day 16 until the day the puppy goes home, we work daily on socialization with all of our English Cream minidoodle puppies for sale. We strive to raise puppies that are well adjusted and exposed to as many situations as possible. Starting at 4 weeks of age, we begin at least weekly field trips. The puppies are “loved on” by people of all ages. We even introduce all of our pups to our cat, Ivy! Our obstacle course also begins at 4 weeks. This encourages the puppies to explore their surroundings and challenge themselves. We constantly change textures the puppies feel with their paws and introduce the puppies to strains and other challenges.