Duration: 4 weeks/$4500
Training Support
- Handover: 2 hour private lesson about how to maintain manners and training.
- Communication: Instructional videos throughout the training process, and updates on how your puppy is doing including photos and/or videos
- Phone consult and trainer follow up after hand over (up to 2 weeks following handover)
**The training contract states that we are not responsible for any training claims once the handover is completed. It’s up to the new owner to maintain the training. Buyer is responsible for their travel expenses (if needed).
Puppy Behaviors
- Introduction to the crate
- Crate conditioning (calm and quiet in crate)
- Potty commands (on leash)
- Started on a Potty Schedule
- Calmly and quietly ride in crate in vehicle—offering to get into crate
- Continued handling skills; (including but not limited to brushing, handling, nail trimming, ears checked)
- Beginning elimination of negative behaviors—biting, chewing, jumping
- 3 field trips per week for socialization and training
Puppy Good Citizen Training Commands
**Commands at this level are on leash outside and in different places as well as off leash inside the home.
- “Name” – this will get puppy’s attention
- “No” – for any unwanted behaviors
- “Okay” – releases them from stay
- “Sit” (with hand signal)
- “Down” – lie down on the floor (with hand signal)
- “Come” (from inside house and outside with long leash)
- “Let’s go”—loose leash walking with minimal pulling using mild distractions
- “Off”— to get off of furniture
- “Wait”—to be released from inside crate
- –to be released to eat
- –at the door
- “Sit Stay”—for short durations
- “Down Stay”—for short durations
- “Go Potty”—puppy to go to the bathroom on leash with commands
- “Place”—Puppy will go to his bed and not get off until released. Puppy can adjust positions, but must be quiet.
- “Kennel”—puppy will go into crate
- “Give”—puppy will release the toy to owner
- “Leave it”—Puppy will not pick up items off of floor
- “Wipe your paws”—puppy will stand and allow owner to wipe off paws after coming inside
Trick Training
**Owner chooses one trick and trainer trick chooses one from the list provided
**Please note: Each puppy is different and will demonstrate different degrees of knowledge with each command.